Thursday, March 25, 2010

Questions, Anyone?

My current mission year will be interrupted by a requisite summer-job "sabbatical" at home. While I'm saddened by the prospect of leaving our Kenyan friends at the end of April, working on the Vineyard for a few months will provide an opportunity for me to earn enough money to return in the fall.

Meanwhile, it's a joy to be able to make the most of this "final" month at Maseno Mission Hospital. I have bought some story books for Pediatrics and have begun reading to our kids -- alas, in English, not Kiswahili -- whenever we have time. It's lovely to be able to provide some diversion (besides kuku-catching), as well as some professional care.

Thanks to the efforts of visitors Drs. Christiana and Stephan (her brother) Russ, we've also put up whiteboards on the hospital wards, in an effort to improve communication among our nurses and to better coordinate patient care. After a somewhat belabored "trial run," most of our nurses are now using them. Hurrah!

While I am still here, do any of you -- dear friends and "children of all ages" -- have any questions? Please feel free to ask! I'll be happy to accumulate questions and answer, as best I can, so that all can "hear." (If you prefer to ask via email, rather than via blog, send your questions to

There is still so much to learn and share! I continue to listen with the ear of my heart and to thank you all for your love and support.

1 comment:

Kim said...

I didn't realize you'd be coming "home for the summer"! Safe travels! I'll be staying with each of your daughters for one night on my whirlwind good-bye tour in May, but it's mid-week so I'm not planning a big get together, and couldn't find a way to squeeze in a stop on M.V. Wah, would have loved to see you. And Rex too... Enjoy your next month in Africa.